Friday, February 2, 2007

Bread and Circi (cause I know my proper Latin plurals)

Today at Rustburg, which is steadily becoming a thorn in my side, we had a pep rally.

I used to love pep rallies, and if this one would have been in more capable hands, I probably would have liked it too. Unfortunately a group of rather useless individuals was in charge of this said rally and it went nowhere and I was again reminded of the idiocy of my generation.

A side note: I hate the word rally. There's something too Nuremburg about it.

Back to the post...

I don't want to imply arrogance, I really don't. I just hate those that refuse to live up to their potential. Half the people in that gym watching that rally have no idea or plan for the future, which is imminent for us seniors. We are going to be graduating in four months and the majority of students in my class yet to have formulated some type of post-secondary education or job plan. It seems sad to me that they really have no idea as to what they're planning on doing.

It makes me want to help them, but I know that I couldn't say anything that hasn't already been said or avised. But, my god, there they are, standing on the brink of something great, something new, something utterly maelable to those who would just put their hands down in it, and yet they still hee and haw like a great multitude of Caesarian asses, only for them there is no bread and circuses.

I feel helpless for my fellow second-semester seniors. I have no place to pity or judge them, but still I cannot help but feel the utmost sincere helplessness for them. I just want to help them, but I don't think I can.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I feel that way every single day of my life.