Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thoughts of Motivation

I suppose I'll just jump into this feet first...

I've noticed that most bloggers occupy their cyberworld sanctuaries with witty tales of everyday occurrences such as a witnessing a Mormon Jew trying to convert a Jehovah witness to Catholicism that often mask deeper philosophical impulses that reek of Postmodernism and often ironic C.S. Lewis influences.

Unfortunately, I have no such anecdotes or even such deep philosophical impulses to really recount here. So I must beg the questions: What exactly am I to write here on this blog? What am I to do with this Internet real-estate that has in the last 30 minutes become part of my terribly hum-drum, yet tragically some-what Romantic life?

Maybe I should write about my resolutions for this year.

Only I have none.

It's not that I think they're stupid or that they're over-rated because we Americans rarely commit to them. I've just never made an effort to make one.

I don't think like that. I don't evaluate my life as a whole ever. Rather I find individual concerns and problems with myself and mope over them quite Byronically for unspecified periods of time (much to the chagrin of my friends who avoid me during my most contemplative moments for fear of being trapped and coerced into listening to me lecture myself about myself). I've never thought to begin a new year with some optimistic goal in mind. Maybe I should. After all, optimism is good for the soul, along with Chicken Noodle Soup.

Maybe that is what I need in my life: resolutions.

That's exactly it. I've found something in all my rambling: I do in fact have a resolution this year...

to make a resolution in the coming years!

Yes, that's right, folks. Jake has his sincere resolution for 2007. He's going to make an effort to find a resolution for 2008. Heck, if I find one, which I am most certain I will, I will begin work on it immediately.

Well, there we go, maybe this blog thing will work out after all.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You think too much. Trust me, it takes one to know one.